Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring gleaning and cleaning

A fairly quiet day as it was raining most of the time. It doesn't seem to bother the birds who were hopping about and darting inside the bushes. A Spotted Towhee was difficult to photograph; I was able to catch a shot of him hiding in the bushes. The little Chestnut-backed Chickadees were enjoying a new 'woodpecker block'.


I have been pulling out the contents of my linen cupboard, sorting and 'spring cleaning'. It's not much fun, but I'm sure I'll be happy when it's done, and by then, hopefully, the sun will be more in evidence.


  1. Oh I need to do a lot of spring (summer, winter and fall) cleaning around here. I'd much rather be taking photos, Yours, as always are lovely.

  2. I like fairly quiet days! Flighty xx

  3. Hilary, I agree! I'd much rather be taking photos, too. However, since the rain won't seem to let up, I am 'taking the opportunity' ;) to do what needs doing. Thanks for your kind comments re my photos.

    Hi Flighty ~ Fairly quiet days are great...but I've stuck with it today!
