Monday, March 28, 2011

A Slow Day

You can tell it's a slow day when I start numbering the daffodils in blooming order ;) I've given myself another day off from anything too strenuous before seeing the Dr. tomorrow about by knee.


The weather started out with promise, but turned cloudy and stayed that way until about 6 p.m. when the sun came by for a few golden moments before slipping back behind the clouds.

I had a walk around the garden, took a few photos, and that's about it for images today.


It's lovely to see that many around blogworld have been out in their gardens, enjoying gorgeous weather and have begun planting!


  1. Oh dear, I do hope that you don't get many days like that! Flighty xx

  2. We're still waiting for the rest of our recent snow to disappear. I hope all goes well at your appointment.

  3. Hi Flighty - It's frustrating having this sore leg and not being able to get around as much as I'd like ~ and it's still sore! I hope it gets better soon!

    Hi Hilary ~ I must admit it's nice to have spring here at last, and hopefully that will be the last of your snow. Thanks for your concern :) My Dr. said it was NOT Housemaid's Knee, but Cellulitis. It is still painful, she has renewed my antibiotics and I see her again next week! Here's hoping!
