Friday, April 1, 2011

Short and Sweet

A bit of a rainy day, so decided to stick around home. I checked the cherry tree, but the blossoms aren't ready to pop yet. Can you see the remnant stone hanging there?


I made a batch of cranberry chocolate cookies because my brother is dropping by tonight, returning home after his 6 week vacation in California...and he's not even the person who's retired!


BTW the new April Photo Scavenger Hunt list is up at Kathy's Postcards for the P.P as follows:

April showers
your camera
a set of keys
an interesting shop name
a cross
a church
something yellow
a sculpture
something to do with Shakespeare (the bard's birthday April 23rd)
something to mark St George's Day (also April 23rd)

Why don't you join in the hunt? It's just for fun and a good reason to look for interesting photo ops!


  1. I would love to join in but would spend the whole month doing nothing else :) Mo

  2. You'll be pleased when the blossom does come out.
    Those cookies look delicious.
    Another interesting list to find and photograph...have fun! Flighty xx

  3. Hi Mo ~ That's funny! The thing I do is keep the list in my pocket or purse, and try and become familiar with what I might run into during the day. It makes for a different way of looking at things. I'm still finding things from January even though there is no need! ;)

    Hi Flighty ~ I will enjoy the blossom, and in a way I'm glad it's taking its time ~ because it will the beginning of spring will last longer :) Yes, getting the list is always fun as my brain starts thinking of potential photo spots. Thanks, I will have fun :)

  4. Hi, thanks for sharing the April list. So glad evryone's joining in!
    Love Kathy xxx
