Monday, April 11, 2011

One surprise after another!

Temperature: 6.2 C at 8:30 p.m.
L: 4.2 C, H: 10.7 C

Blue sky, a few clouds, and windy! A sunny day was an unexpected surprise. A cute little Chickadee at the birdfeeder this morning started off my interesting bird day.

Although I looked for the 'new' bird from yesterday, there was no sign of it. However, it has been identified as an Audubon's Warbler (now known as a Yellow-rumped Warbler) It's the first one I've seen so I hope it returns to the feeder.

I decided to go for a drive since it was clear, and stopped by to check on Harzel. As I was walking down the lane, I heard birdsong and caught a glimpse of a couple of House Finch in the thicket. It was difficult to take a clear photo through the tangle of vines, but the male House Finch can be seen with his colourful plumage.

Harzel was looking all curly-willow-like, but the sun had yet to reach him ;)

His heart was still visible...


A big surprise was noticing at least two other curly willows on the bank along the trail to the beach!


A robin sat on this branch for the longest time ~


I could see that the tide was out a fair bit, but decided to head out to one of my favorite spots anyway. When the tide is out, so are the birds. As soon as I arrived,  I was surprised when a Blue Heron lifted off in front of me ~


I noticed a huge gathering of ducks in the bay, but just as I lifted my camera, they took flight!

They flew even farther away, so I walked on to a rocky section of the beach. A beautiful little blue flash caught my eye.

It was a Mountain Bluebird - although I'm calling it the Bluebird of Happiness, because I was so surprised and happy to see it.


It then flew onto another piece of driftwood ~

I must say seeing the Bluebird made my day!

One I returned home, I noticed the Spotted Towhee sitting in the sun, getting his feathers blown about, and having a good old nibble at the woodpecker block in the feeder. His big 'scratching feet' look like they were wrapped around the small branch numerous times ;) Here's a movie I made, with a couple of videos and some stills.

With the weather continuing to be cool, it is as if Spring is on hold. The daffodils continue to bloom, some still not yet opened. Grape hyacinth is everywhere, my apricot tree is always the first to blossom, and new leaves on trees are just waiting for some warm weather so they can pop!



  1. It's grand to see birds from another land. I never would otherwise. Is that the same American Bluebird that features in the song....'There are Bluebirds Over The White cliffs of Dover.'? I seem to recollect it was composed on Tin Pan Alley.

  2. Oh lovely. I've never seen a bluebird and yet so many bloggers feature them. What a thrill. And I'm always fond of seeing Mr. Great Blue.

  3. Adrian, I agree...It is interesting to see birds other than local ones...and I was quite thrilled to see this one myself. Perhaps it is the famous bird of song :)

    Thanks Hilary. The only other wild blue birds I've seen have been the Stellar's Jay, so I was so happy to see this one. The blue sky disappeared and we had a windy grey day today...

  4. Wonderful pictures, and how lucky to see that bluebird!
    It's always good to look at birds, flowers and trees on a sunny day.
    Flighty xx

  5. Hi Flighty ~ Yes, it was a terrific bird day!

    Mo ~ Why didn't I think of that as a title for the post! Wonderful feeling...wonderful day :)
