Monday, January 10, 2011

A New Red Head!

Making Days Count (MDC) 10

The day started out sunny but very cold that the Snow Parrot was still in the same spot this morning and stayed frozen stiff all day. If it wasn’t for its colourful feathers ruffling in the breeze, it would look like a statue!  (The low today was -6C)


That wasn’t all that was frozen...anything that had been liquid yesterday was ice today. This put me in a bit of a dilemma because I didn’t want to slip and fall. I waited until 2:00 p.m. before bundling up for my walk. The roads were dry, but any footprints left in the snow along the edge yesterday were now ice-prints. It definitely wasn’t my speediest walk, however I made it there and back without incident.

Earlier, in the morning, there was a lot of activity around the bird feeders, and I noticed the usual variety...but then I thought I saw a flash of red...and sure enough, two new visitors. They certainly displayed woodpecker behaviour, but were small compared to the Pileated Woodpecker and the Northern Flicker. I looked them up, and found I was hosting Downy Woodpeckers (Picoides pubescens), a male and female. It was difficult to get them in my sites, so the pictures are not that clear. I hope the birds return so I can try for better photos.


Now on to the tree project...Harzel did not seem to display his usual warmth. There were no glistening bits of sun sheen on him – in fact he looked downright chilly. I could relate. I took a few photos before turning around and heading home. There was no way I was going to slither down the path and steps to the beach today.


One bright touch to the view...the mountains across the strait were backlit.


I made a ‘brush’ out of Harzel’s photo in Photoshop, and tried it out on a few backgrounds:


Flighty has let me know that he's getting some computer/internet work done and will not be blogging or commenting for a week or so...he encouraged me to start blogging and is always such a loyal commenter so I'll miss his presence.  Thanks to those who do comment, and please leave me a little note if you drop by.  Thanks :)


  1. I remember the sight of icy footprints here last month. Not nice. You will have to think about obtaining some ice spikes to fit on your boots / shoes.

    How lovely to have visiting woodpeckers.

  2. Hi John ~ Yes, thanks, I do have some 'Trax', I think they're called, that I can strap on to my footwear. They have metal parts that help navigate the ice and snow. I may end up wearing them tomorrow after the snowfall.

  3. Lucky you with the woodpeckers as here I tend to hear, but rarely, see them.
    Thanks for the mention. Thankfully I was back again Monday evening but a bit busy yesterday so I'm catching up today. Flighty xx
