On Thursday, when
Flighty wished everyone a good weekend, I gasped. Weekend! It was only Thursday and I wasn’t going to let the last four days of Spring Break dwindle away to nothing! Armed with a pair of rubber gloves and a determined attitude, I threw open the garage door crying, “Attack!”
Although the garage does house my car, my car doesn’t have an awful lot of room to stretch, if it had a mind to. There are my tools, lawn mower, a freezer, Christmas decorations, paint cans, trunks filled with my children’s toys and books, etc. Also, two of my sons who have moved away from home have left things or returned, bringing more things for “safe keeping”…Things do accumulate!Thursday and Friday were spent flattening cardboard boxes for the recycle bin, and filling bags of ‘stuff’. I filled my car with these items and, between rain showers, made two trips taking them to the appropriate recycling and transfer station spots.
That brought me to Saturday ~ Once more I filled my car ~ this time with two storage containers of CD’s, guitar books, a homemade guitar, a reel to reel tape recorder, an old record player, a set of dishes, a pair of flippers, two pairs of ski boots, and topped it all off with a snowboard... I looked like I was ready for anything! This car load was destined to be driven to Son #2 who now has his own house about a 40 minute drive from here.
Hmmm, I thought ~ if I’m driving south anyway, after unloading, I might as well continue for another 1 ½ hours to see Son #3 and watch his hockey game that he mentions he plays each Saturday night. That of course, means staying overnight ~ and why not since I have been literally cooped up for the whole rotten weather week… so in the small space left in my vehicle, I put in an overnight bag, camera, laptop and sleeping bag. And I’m off.
Son #2 thanks me for bringing his belongings, unloads the car and shows me his garden work ~ he has pruned his fruit trees and planted a couple of plum trees and a walnut tree. He has added kelp, cardboard, and sawdust to some planting beds, and he has some pallets to make shelves in his greenhouse. No sign of Bentley (the large cat), but Penelope seems to enjoy leaping up into the branches and following my son wherever he goes. Penelope is the other cat, by the way.
The weather is brightening and I arrive at my destination approximately 6:30 p.m. and visit some friends I haven’t seen for some time. They invite me to stay overnight, which saves me from driving any further distance. We chinwag until 10:00 p.m. and then off I go to see the 10:30 p.m. game! Their front door will be left unlocked until my return. At the arena, I sit with my son’s girlfriend and remember when my son was just a little hockey player! Although he’s kept up with ball hockey, this is the first year he’s played ice hockey (non contact league) since he was a youngster.