Thursday, June 12, 2008

This bud's for you, Nikki

Nikki's beautiful roses inspired me to try to plant a rose garden of my own. So in honour of Nikki and her birthday, here is the first bud to appear in my "rose garden"..."Elle" ~ which is rather apt, since "she", (Nikki) has recently returned from a visit to France. Happy Birthday Nikki ~ this bud's for you ;)



  1. HOW SWEET! I love it, Glo. And I understand Elle is quite a lovely rose. I hope you'll post more when she opens. I'm so glad to have met you this year through Flighty. And hope that our friendship grows.

  2. I look forward to seeing this when it flowers!
    I agree wholeheartedly with what Nikki says! xx

  3. Glo, this post was very clever and very thoughtful too. Nikki always tells me she doesn't know any French but she does indeed. One night I was writing a letter and asked myself out loud, "What is the word for fireworks?" and across the room I heard, "feux d'artifice."

  4. Hi Nikki ~ Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I'm pleased you like your little bud, and I notice there is another one just peeping out today :) I'm thrilled to have met you too, and I look forward to a continued friendship :) Glad to hear you had a very happy birthday.

    Hello Flighty ~ Yes, I hope the rose continues to flourish, and I'm quite excited to see the buds. I will definitely take photos of it as the buds blossom...and thank you for your kind words :)

    Hi Roomie ~ ;) Thanks to the Budweiser ad, 'This bud's for you' popped into my mind as being quite an apt expression! My answer to the fireworks would have been "petard"...I still remember a bit of my high school French, and sometimes surprises me with what has stayed with me.
