Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June Beginnings


  1. Your garden is doing so well, Glo. Our garden is doing almost nothing and has been sleeping for weeks. I am ready for some color again. Thanks for the lovely images.

  2. It's all looking colourful and wonderful! xx

  3. The pink flowers look like softly crumpled tissue paper. You can see the texture. (really!)
    A beautiful collection of fresh new lovliness. :o)

  4. June is such a fabulous time in the garden. x

  5. Roomie ~ Thanks :) Yes, things are just starting up here, after the early spring flowers ~ crocus, snowdrops, daffodils and tulips. I'm glad I could share a bit my colour with you :)

    Flighty ~ Thanks :) of course I'm only taking photos of the colourful stuff, not any of the work that needs done! LOL

    Daffy ~ The rhodos are quite something, aren't they, and a nice description from you :) I have two big bushes of them flowering now. Glad you enjoyed the freshness...the rain was quite refreshing....However, it has decided to settle in and it feels like winter today! Crazy. Brrrr.

    Louise ~ Yes, June is a great time for gardening ~ even if the weather is a bit off! It's always exciting to see what's coming up next! Thanks for coming by :)
