A blog post that goes from the sublime to the ridiculous!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
What's New?
Have I lost my head?

I've retired!
Not from blogging, but from work ~ The time has come for me to stop and smell the roses, and take some time for myself.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas
A couple of days ago, a peek-a-boo action caught my eye on a utility pole down the road. I figured it was a couple of woodpeckers, and sure enough two red topped pileated woodpeckers were tapping away on each side of the pole. The males have a red moustache, but I couldn't tell if they were a male/female combination since they were so far away. Perhaps they were wearing Santa hats and sending ho ho ho messages down the line :)

The next day was quite bright and sunny, so I caught a snap or two out of the car window on my way into town.

This Christmas, unlike last one, we have no snow, temps. around 4 or 5 C, and fairly clear and bright.
I picked up my turkey from my friends at the farm, and it will be stuffed and cooked tomorrow in readiness for my sons to devour it over the next 3 days.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and hopefully will have time to take some photos during the next day or two!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A Cool Yule
Catching up, once again! Hope everyone is getting in the spirit of the season! Let the love inside each one of us shine!
I had another visit to where the river meets the sea. It was a cool, clear, bright and windy day.

The sea birds gathered together to welcome the Trumpeter Swans and perhaps rehearse their version of the Twelve Days of Christmas.

The sea birds gathered together to welcome the Trumpeter Swans and perhaps rehearse their version of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
Twelve mallards dipping
Eleven seagulls flying
Ten salmon leaping
Nine seals a-peaking
Eight cormorants standing
Seven swans a-swimming
Six geese a-laying
Five golden eagles
Four calling birds
Three oystercatchers
Two Great Blue Heron
And a bald eagle in a fir tree!
What an apt and delightful description!According to this site, and in reference to the Trumpeter Swan: An aristocratic bugling call and response rises among them that makes the homely honk of Canada geese and the quotidian quack of mallards sound decidedly plebian.

The wind held the gulls in place long enough for a few photos!

Here's a fish out of water ~ (litter-ally) ....sorry;)

Here's a fish out of water ~ (litter-ally) ....sorry;)
The temperatures have been dropping and as I was looking out of the living room window, something caught my eye --- in the birdbath!

Mr. Sneaky, what do you think you are doing in there?
Once Mr. Sneaky departed, I went outside I took note of the winter jasmine and a primrose and a junco keeping well out of the way! Maybe he was trying to ring the seed bell in alarm!

Look closer! Do you see what I see?
Is that Mother Nature's idea of teasing and tempting a cat?
Can you see a bird created from pine needles and leaves amidst the ice in the birdbath?
I have been working, baking, putting up the tree, watching the Christmas Concert and even going for a walk in the snow! Yes, it snowed yesterday, but today it has been washed away. ~ Oh, and eating warm gingerbread with custard...No photos of that, either ;)
I bought new boots! My old winter boots have done me well, but were not quite up to the depths of snow that fell last year, so I decided to treat myself to a new pair that are OK to -32 C. That ought to do it! They took me for a walk in the snow last night. Unfortunately, I didn't take my camera as it was snowing quite heavily. So just imagine the magic of scrunching snow under warm treaded boots, and looking at all the bright Christmas lights and decorations as I walked starry-eyed around the block. I felt like a kid!
Until next time ~
Until next time ~

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Happy December!
Just a quick post while I'm waiting for mincemeat pies to finish baking ~ so it's 12:30 in the morning! Doesn't everyone bake at this time?
I'm up late baking up a storm ~ to thank some community members for reading with the students - tomorrow at coffee break. I have baked a cake, ginger cookies, shortbread fruit tarts, lemon squares, and am just finishing up with the mincemeat tarts in the oven.
Last Sunday I put the new flooring down in the bathroom, and I'm pleased with it. I just have new baseboards to attach and then a bit of shining and polishing!
It's amazing to think it's December already. I have a turkey ordered from the farm for Christmas and I guess soon I'll be putting up the tree.
The weather has cleared up nicely, however it is chilly. Smells just like winter! It's nice to have a break from the rain.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Two weeks later...
Where have I been? What have I been doing? Somebody better tell me because I have no idea. Just kidding. I've been otherwise occupied ...
Remember little Morris Mouse?
He's in the country, not the house.
But Doris, I'm afraid to say
became confused and lost her way.
I heard a snap and caught my breath
to see old Doris ... well you get the idea.
Each time I hear the toaster pop,
I jump and think it's Boris. Stop!
Enough, I say, of mice - no more.
I've boarded up the catflap door
and put a sonar sounding thing
in the garage, and strung a string
to trip them up ~ no that's not true,
I pulled your leg! What else is new...
My laptop hinges fell apart
which makes it difficult to start.
It used to sit upon my knee
but now it's propped so I can see ~
Another laptop's left, enroute,
and by December, I'll reboot.
Oh, yes...a project looming nigh
is in the bathroom. Ask me why!
I checked a corner, which seemed damp
and when I shone a beaming light
I realized I must replace
some aqua board, to fill a space.
And then I started on the floor
- off I went to the hardware store.
I bought some drywall, baseboard, too,
new flooring and a tub of glue.
And now I spend my nights in there
instead of in a comfy chair.
So that's the scoop of where I've been
and what I've done .... the mess I'm in ...
(Not really, it's just life ;))
Put on your overcoat, mitts and hat ~ Although the weather has become wet, wild and woolly, I spent an hour or two where the river meets the sea last weekend. Watch the eagle in the movies ~

There were also may seals bobbing up and down - especially 'down' when the camera came closer!
Hope to visit there again this weekend.
Sorry I haven't been commenting on blogs, but I've had quick visits and enjoy keeping up with all the interesting news and views. :)
Happy Thanksgiving Day to my friends across the border!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Remembrance Day Aircraft
This morning I watched the Remembrance Day Ceremonies on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on TV. (8:00 a.m. our time). I realized it was nearing 11:00 a.m. here when I heard the unmistakable sound of the fly past, and ran outside with my camera ~ but too late to catch the warbirds. I decided to head to the airport to see them land, but when I got to my lookout spot, a fellow told me the aircraft were heading to a few locations south of here. I returned to the airport a bit later, and heard air craft approaching. I turned my camera on to see "battery dead". Arggh. I drove home quickly, grabbed my other camera, and headed back to the airport. By the time I got there, I could see that the Harvard had already landed, but overhead the T-28 Trojan was circling. No one else was in the vicinity, so I quickly found a good spot for filming, and saw the T-28B land and motor over to the Harvard.
When I downloaded the video, I saw that it was 121 mb which is too large for Photobucket, so I have shortened it a bit at the beginning and the end ~ Did you catch the little wave, Flighty :)
Here's a photo I took of the Harvard and Trojan as the pilot and passenger were getting ready to disembark.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Catching up!
My birthday continued to be wonderful with a lovely meal with friends at Mahle House and the presentation of a beautiful bouquet.
On the morning of my birthday I drove to where the river meets the sea because it's becoming that time of the year when some of the salmon spawn.
Although I didn't see any fish, a gaggle of Canada geese and many active gulls were enjoying the bright blue day.

A beautiful heart rock, about four inches in width, caught my eye ~

One birthday gift was a card from one of my sons offering me "free pruning"! Last Friday he phoned to ask if I'd been out in the back garden, and I said that I hadn't even gone out that way all week. He suggested I take a look, which I did. He had put a lovely golden plum tree out there when he came for my birthday, and was assuming I'd find it! I love golden plums! I'm getting quite the orchard. Anyway, he came over on Saturday and by the time he was finished pruning, we had a stack of limbs and branches piled up at the front. The city chipper truck comes by on November 16, so hopefully it will all disappear. We also planted the golden plum tree. He stayed overnight and I treated him to a yummy breakfast at a nearly restaurant before he headed back home. A super helpful birthday gift ~ we had a productive and very enjoyable time working together.
Autumn is showing off her red dresses which look quite spectacular in the sunshine.

We have had such a mixture of blustery weather with blue sky and sunshine valiantly attempting to make appearances when possible. Clouds and sunshine trail across the sky and gather to grace the mountains overlooking the sea.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
It's In the Bag!
First, thank you so much Flighty, for the lovely birthday wishes and the rose :) Also the comments which I truly appreciated. Such delightful blog friends. I had a great weekend ~
And now this ...by yours truly ~

If you still have room for more mice (and poetry), here's the delightful Diary of a Church Mouse by John Betjeman
And now this ...by yours truly ~
It's In the Bag!
A rodent in the house is most perplexing!
Although he played a game of hide and seek,
eventually his game became quite vexing
when here and there he went, without a squeak.
Some telltale signs were spotted, but not many,
which seemed to indicate there was just one.
but one is one too much! I don’t want any!
The plain and simple fact is ~ I want NONE! ~
Now cartoon mice are pictured as appealing.
They’re very cute with mousy tales to tell,
but Morris, I just have this sinking feeling,
is not that kind of mouse. He raises hell!
Well, as you know, I first set out a bucket
with peanut butter dangling from a hook.
It seems the mouse deferred and never took it.
Perhaps he never stopped to take a look!
Some chunks of cheese were placed upon a mousetrap,
enticing him with dreams of paradise.
Although the cheese dried out (we had a cold snap),
it disappeared from view, not once, but twice.
At last the trap was set, but I was leery.
The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men (that’s Burns)
was more than poetry. A proven theory
much like the law - Diminishing Returns.
Yet, in the night, the mousetrap sprang in motion
and flipping upside down, disgorged the cheese,
which splattered on the wall~ What a commotion!
And Morris…where was he? On bended knees!
He thanked his lucky stars his toe had triggered
the spring that held the cheese within its clasp,
and even though they thought they had him figured,
he hadn’t fallen yet into their grasp.
He scampered up the stairs, for more exploring,
but couldn’t find a single thing to eat.
Oh Rats, he thought, this floor is very boring…
(But Hallowe’en just might bring him a treat!)
His twitchy nose began to sniff temptation
so up he jumped and landed in a bin.
A crumpled bag of chips was his salvation,
as little crumby bits stuck to his chin.
At last he’d found a haven that was cozy
away from all the craziness downstairs.
He thought he’d have a nap as he felt dozy.
So nice to have a moment without cares!
But suddenly a hand reached down…Scout’s honour!
and tied that plastic liner in a knot.
Oh, Rats he thought, this time I am a goner ~
The chips were down – no wonder I got caught!
He felt himself get plunked in a container,
as darkness from the lid closed out the light.
His fate it seems was sealed in that retainer.
Confined he was, completely out of sight.
So there he sat just waiting for the ending,
too scared to think of what the end might be.
There really was no point in still pretending
that he was little Morris, running free.
He felt a sudden wobble – he was moving,
like swaying in a cradle or a swing;
a little hope; perhaps things were improving.
If only he could jump out of this thing!
A rumble and a racket stopped his thinking.
He'd been taken for a ride! What was this?
He opened up his eyes, and started blinking
for spread before him ~ Heaven! It was bliss!
A meadow filled with many country cousins
now welcomed him with tiny open arms.
He couldn’t count them all for there were dozens
who lived both near and far on rural farms.
It’s not to say there won’t be any danger
for countrysides host many birds of prey,
and cats and other creatures that are stranger.
At least our little Morris got away…
I hope with all my heart that he was solo,
but just in case, I’ll watch out for his wife.
I’m hoping he’ll find Doris in the country
and I can live a sane and mouse-free life.
A rodent in the house is most perplexing!
Although he played a game of hide and seek,
eventually his game became quite vexing
when here and there he went, without a squeak.
Some telltale signs were spotted, but not many,
which seemed to indicate there was just one.
but one is one too much! I don’t want any!
The plain and simple fact is ~ I want NONE! ~
Now cartoon mice are pictured as appealing.
They’re very cute with mousy tales to tell,
but Morris, I just have this sinking feeling,
is not that kind of mouse. He raises hell!
Well, as you know, I first set out a bucket
with peanut butter dangling from a hook.
It seems the mouse deferred and never took it.
Perhaps he never stopped to take a look!
Some chunks of cheese were placed upon a mousetrap,
enticing him with dreams of paradise.
Although the cheese dried out (we had a cold snap),
it disappeared from view, not once, but twice.
At last the trap was set, but I was leery.
The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men (that’s Burns)
was more than poetry. A proven theory
much like the law - Diminishing Returns.
Yet, in the night, the mousetrap sprang in motion
and flipping upside down, disgorged the cheese,
which splattered on the wall~ What a commotion!
And Morris…where was he? On bended knees!
He thanked his lucky stars his toe had triggered
the spring that held the cheese within its clasp,
and even though they thought they had him figured,
he hadn’t fallen yet into their grasp.
He scampered up the stairs, for more exploring,
but couldn’t find a single thing to eat.
Oh Rats, he thought, this floor is very boring…
(But Hallowe’en just might bring him a treat!)
His twitchy nose began to sniff temptation
so up he jumped and landed in a bin.
A crumpled bag of chips was his salvation,
as little crumby bits stuck to his chin.
At last he’d found a haven that was cozy
away from all the craziness downstairs.
He thought he’d have a nap as he felt dozy.
So nice to have a moment without cares!
But suddenly a hand reached down…Scout’s honour!
and tied that plastic liner in a knot.
Oh, Rats he thought, this time I am a goner ~
The chips were down – no wonder I got caught!
He felt himself get plunked in a container,
as darkness from the lid closed out the light.
His fate it seems was sealed in that retainer.
Confined he was, completely out of sight.
So there he sat just waiting for the ending,
too scared to think of what the end might be.
There really was no point in still pretending
that he was little Morris, running free.
He felt a sudden wobble – he was moving,
like swaying in a cradle or a swing;
a little hope; perhaps things were improving.
If only he could jump out of this thing!
A rumble and a racket stopped his thinking.
He'd been taken for a ride! What was this?
He opened up his eyes, and started blinking
for spread before him ~ Heaven! It was bliss!
A meadow filled with many country cousins
now welcomed him with tiny open arms.
He couldn’t count them all for there were dozens
who lived both near and far on rural farms.
It’s not to say there won’t be any danger
for countrysides host many birds of prey,
and cats and other creatures that are stranger.
At least our little Morris got away…
I hope with all my heart that he was solo,
but just in case, I’ll watch out for his wife.
I’m hoping he’ll find Doris in the country
and I can live a sane and mouse-free life.

If you still have room for more mice (and poetry), here's the delightful Diary of a Church Mouse by John Betjeman
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Another Cheesy Post - Eek 2!
The piece of cheese which seemed to have moved was GONE, the next time I looked! Step 3: Set the mousetrap with cheese.
Flighty suggested it might be "mice" rather than a mouse, but of course he was just kidding, weren't you Flighty? Because if there's more than one, I'm moving out!
Nikki was wondering if I'd borrowed the neighbours cat. Not yet, but it may be an option, although I'm not sure if it would want to come in, as I've often shooed it away from the bird feeders.
It the mouse had just walked the plank to 'the peanut butter kerplunk in a bucket', it could have been running free, by now.

But it didn't, so now ....

We can only wait and see what next will transpire in the continuing saga of "The One and Only Mouse" in the house.
Flighty suggested it might be "mice" rather than a mouse, but of course he was just kidding, weren't you Flighty? Because if there's more than one, I'm moving out!
Nikki was wondering if I'd borrowed the neighbours cat. Not yet, but it may be an option, although I'm not sure if it would want to come in, as I've often shooed it away from the bird feeders.
It the mouse had just walked the plank to 'the peanut butter kerplunk in a bucket', it could have been running free, by now.

But it didn't, so now ....

We can only wait and see what next will transpire in the continuing saga of "The One and Only Mouse" in the house.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Although the cheese is still there, it seems to have MOVED slightly. EEK!
Mr. Sneaky, Oh, Mr. Sneaky (neighbour's cat)....
Mr. Sneaky, Oh, Mr. Sneaky (neighbour's cat)....

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Weekend Update!
The photo used in my new header was taken yesterday, Saturday ~ the oak tree in my front garden. It was a gorgeous golden autumn day. Today, however, it was blustery! The sky was filled with whirling leaves.
Here's Oakley surrounded by leaves mostly from the Pink Dogwood Tree. He's still hanging on to his own leaves! I don't rake up anything until after Hallowe'en. I like the idea of the children kicking through them as they come up the walkway, even though some of them get tracked in!

It was a day to stay inside and be cozy. I decided to bake raisin bread, make a pork chop crock pot dish, and bake a chocolate cake :) The photos of the food seem to be all autumny colours, however a salad provided the greens!

This is how I'm feeling lately, as I'm not sure if I saw a mouse in the house or not!
I thought I saw something moving under the sofa, and after leaping up on a chair, realized that wouldn't solve the problem, so I searched online for a way to trap a mouse without using a mousetrap. I ended up getting a 5 gallon bucket, taping the handle to keep it upright, and dangling a plastic Christmas ball dabbed with peanut butter from a bungy cord wrapped around the handle. The only thing to end up in the bucket was the peanut butter which dripped off the Christmas ball. Ahha, I thought. I then filled my tea strainer ball with peanut butter and hung that from the handle beside the Christmas ball. I placed a long wide ruler as a ramp for the mouse to climb up to the rim of the bucket, lean forward for the peanut butter, teeter on the edge, and fall in. Kerplunk.
There are no tell-tale signs of a mouse around the house other than what I "saw". Perhaps it was a very large spider, but that doesn't bear thinking about. I decided to buy a mouse trap and put a substantial piece of cheese on it. The idea is to get the mouse used to finding the cheese in a safe location and then after a couple of days, set the trap. (If I can figure out how to do that). So the cheese stayed there for a few days until it dried out.
Today I went to the trap to throw the cheese out, but the cheese was GONE! Now I can't remember if I was the one who picked it up already, or if a mouse is now very well fed. EEK! (That's what people say when there's a mouse around.) It is that time of the year when a mouse could have easily followed me in from the outside and through the garage, although it has never happened before. I have now put a fresh piece of cheese on the trap, and will watch to see if it disappears or if I'm playing tricks on myself. I know this is fodder for a poem, and perhaps when I either catch it or find out I'm the one picking up the cheese, I'll write one. In the meantime, I'll just smile and say cheese ... and not touch it!
Here's Oakley surrounded by leaves mostly from the Pink Dogwood Tree. He's still hanging on to his own leaves! I don't rake up anything until after Hallowe'en. I like the idea of the children kicking through them as they come up the walkway, even though some of them get tracked in!

It was a day to stay inside and be cozy. I decided to bake raisin bread, make a pork chop crock pot dish, and bake a chocolate cake :) The photos of the food seem to be all autumny colours, however a salad provided the greens!

This is how I'm feeling lately, as I'm not sure if I saw a mouse in the house or not!

I thought I saw something moving under the sofa, and after leaping up on a chair, realized that wouldn't solve the problem, so I searched online for a way to trap a mouse without using a mousetrap. I ended up getting a 5 gallon bucket, taping the handle to keep it upright, and dangling a plastic Christmas ball dabbed with peanut butter from a bungy cord wrapped around the handle. The only thing to end up in the bucket was the peanut butter which dripped off the Christmas ball. Ahha, I thought. I then filled my tea strainer ball with peanut butter and hung that from the handle beside the Christmas ball. I placed a long wide ruler as a ramp for the mouse to climb up to the rim of the bucket, lean forward for the peanut butter, teeter on the edge, and fall in. Kerplunk.
There are no tell-tale signs of a mouse around the house other than what I "saw". Perhaps it was a very large spider, but that doesn't bear thinking about. I decided to buy a mouse trap and put a substantial piece of cheese on it. The idea is to get the mouse used to finding the cheese in a safe location and then after a couple of days, set the trap. (If I can figure out how to do that). So the cheese stayed there for a few days until it dried out.
Today I went to the trap to throw the cheese out, but the cheese was GONE! Now I can't remember if I was the one who picked it up already, or if a mouse is now very well fed. EEK! (That's what people say when there's a mouse around.) It is that time of the year when a mouse could have easily followed me in from the outside and through the garage, although it has never happened before. I have now put a fresh piece of cheese on the trap, and will watch to see if it disappears or if I'm playing tricks on myself. I know this is fodder for a poem, and perhaps when I either catch it or find out I'm the one picking up the cheese, I'll write one. In the meantime, I'll just smile and say cheese ... and not touch it!
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