It is Thanksgiving Weekend here in Canada. Usually I make a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, however this long weekend, I am not :) Today, I am home, but tomorrow I'm heading to a lodge on an island for a little rest and relaxation, just staying Sunday night ~ but supper and breakfast are included, so I don't have to cook at all :) Now that's what I call Thanksgiving! I did make a couple of pumpkin pies, just to get home smelling a bit Thanksgivingy, though!
Where has the week gone? Last weekend was lovely, so I drove to a bay/marina to see what my camera could find. I saw a string of geese swimming along...which prompted the beginning of my poem, that didn't get any further than this ~
On Saturday, I glimpsed a gaggle gliding,
adrift upon a sea of sparkling sun ~

They swam so gracefully, and other than the cawing of a crow, all was quiet...