On the way home, I stopped to take a photo of the 'host of golden daffodils' in the downtown area.

I drove by the beach, and it seemed to be the lowest tide ever ~ sand seemingly stretching for miles. I parked my car, changed into my beach shoes, and off I went! I walked barefoot on the sand for the first time this year :)

I spotted numerous Bonaparte Gulls which are quite dignified with their black heads perched jauntily on their white and grey bodies!

Here's a proud fellow with a packaged lunch!

The tide was so low, that there was an abundance of clam necks or siphons, sticking out of the sand.This shows the distribution of the littleneck clams, which is what I'm assuming these are.
There were also large holes (1 1/2" in diameter) in the sand, one of which "geysered" at me as I walked by, which made me leap and squeak!

There were live sand dollar ~ the dead ones get bleached by the sun and are white.

Various types of seaweed were visible ~ crab-like claws on this one ;)

Of course, I mustn't forgot the butterflies

There's always one in the crowd! This fellow was making a bit of a ruckus for some reason, and I said to him, "All that noise is not really necessary on such a lovely day!" Luckily there was no one around to hear me, as I realized I'd said it out loud!

On returning home, I weeded in the rose garden, and took some photos of a few flowers in the rest of the garden.
My favorite shot ~ forget-me-nots ~

One of my wallflowers is finally blooming ~ I love the fragrance! I also found my first strawberry blossom in a window box, and some grape hyacinth with a background of cherry blossom.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable day, topped off by the smell of the BBQ cooking away as my son surprised me with "Supper's ready!"