Saturday, October 30, 2010

Catching up!

Earlier in the month, on the Saturday of our Thanksgiving weekend, we broke tradition, and headed over to a small island where my son has a cabin. It was a rainy trip across on the ferry, and then we trudged along the trails until we reached our destination. Nine of us gathered around the table for dinner. We had a great time! On the way home, it was still raining...and dark, which gave me an opportunity to take some photos as we headed back to the ferry dock. Here is a panorama of this dark and quite spooky scene just in time for Halloween:


Also, before I get on with some photos from today, I took a few sequential photos of a very tall tree as I looked up and up and up, and made a panorama from them. The resulting 'stitch' looked like the tree had been felled, however, I managed to stand it back up where it belonged and here it is:


The other day when I was out for a walk, I noticed this large fluffy fellow, who looked like he did not want to be disturbed by anyone at all! In fact, if you look at him for a few seconds, you'll see what I mean!

Today I decided to go for a walk to search for more cones. It was a bit damp, but I dressed for the weather and headed out around the neighbourhood. Here are some photos from my little jaunt:




Does anyone know the name of the mushrooms in the photo above?

I only found one more of the long cones; perhaps someone else is collecting them. Here is my fall basket of some of the gatherings (the opened cones are older ones) and the new large closed one is in the foreground of the photo and looks kind of grey-coloured). Uphilldowndale mentioned she'd like a basket of cones, and although it's not a huge basket full, I hope she likes how to send it far across the sea? ;) I guess a photo is the best I can do!


This afternoon while I was 'lounging' on the sofa with my laptop, I noticed the difference in the colouring of the trees out of the front window and back sliding door.


Today I also made some blueberry muffins, and worked on a little 'project' for tomorrow. Can you guess what I'm going to do with this?



  1. That is a lovely basket of cones, I adore a basket of cones, thank you. I was talking with a colleague the other day about when we were at primary school (age, 4-11yrs)she said the highlight for her was the being allowed to go on the mobile library that came to our rural schools, to select a book. For me it was bringing things in to be put on the nature table, my how I loved that table with its twig, moss, feathers and pebbles, seeing your basket has made me realise my blog is my 2010 nature table!

  2. Reading the comment from Uphilldowndale reminded me of the class nature tables I had forgotten all about. Your Autumn reds would have made a fine display, especially the Autumn basket.
    Well stitched with the tree. I once attempted to stitch a set of vertical shots of a German cathedral for a friend and trying to adjust the perspective was a nightmare.

  3. Another busy, colourful and interesting post, and the cat picture made me smile! Flighty xx

  4. That is some serious fluff!

    I like your darkened skyline photo and the taaaall tree! Glad you got to do something a little different this Thanksgiving. The cabin sounds cozy, esp after the rainy trip there.

  5. Hi UHDD ~ I'm glad you enjoyed the basket of cones etc. that I collected :) Interesting what we remember with pleasure from our primary years, and I can relate to both the mobile library and nature study. Reminded me of when I moved to the Canadian prairies, I collecting and displaying samples of different grains, on the stem and little packages of seeds that I put together. Great insight realizing that your blog is now your 'collection'. I'll keep my eye out for more cones.

    Hi John ~ How nice to be reminded of the nature tables :) Thanks for your comments my photos and panorama of the tree. I tried one with three trees and they all looked bow-legged! I can imagine the frustration and near impossibility of attempting to put a cathedral in perspective. Perhaps I'll stick to landscape panoramas!

    Hi Flighty ~ Thanks ~ the cat was a big one and was so relaxed in that special spot he had found ~ it was quite funny, and glad it brought a smile.

    Hi Nikki ~ Yes, that's some furry cat, eh? Glad you liked my photos ~ and it was very cozy at the cabin for Thanksgiving. Maybe that will be our new tradition!

  6. You are certainly getting into the spirit of Autumn here Glo, with all the colourful leaves, cones and Conkers, I'm not sure if you call the fruit of the Horse Chestnut, Conkers where you are?

    Uphilldowndale's comment reminded me how much I too loved the Nature table at school, so much so that I remember I set one up in our garden at home, I really loved that table :)

  7. Hi again Glo :) Would I be right in thinking it was your birthday yesterday?...(A Belated) Happy, Happy Birthday and many more of them :)

  8. Lady_drid Nadja lima GuimarãesNovember 2, 2010 at 10:03 AM

    Hi Glo! I love Your blog, wonderful photos!
    I've just read in Flighty's blog about your Birthday. Happy belated birthday. Hugs.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Blogger Glo said...

    Hi there ShySongbird ~ I'm glad that Uphilldowndale mentioned the nature table as it has brought back a lot of wonderful memories about our love of nature and all collectibles. I'm heading out of town today, so I'll take a little bag and see what else I can find ;) Thanks for the birthday wishes ~ I had a lovely day, and will continue celebrating today with my youngest son and my brother.

    Hi Lady Drid ~ Thanks so much for your lovely comment and birthday wishes, thanks to Flighty's rosy post :) Much appreciated ~ thanks again! I'm pleased you enjoy my photos.

  11. Love the pictures you took on your little walk. The mushrooms look great, sorry i dont know the name

  12. Thanks fer for coming by, and glad to hear you enjoyed my photos :) I see you found your way here from Flighty, so that's cool!
