Here we are suffering through another heat wave of 30 C temperatures. Fortunately the next few days promise to be cooler. In the midst of all this, my back sundeck has been removed and a new one is in the process of being built. I had been replacing boards over the past few years, but it was in need of rebuilding according to those 'in the know'. My job is to oil the boards ~ which gives a whole new meaning to "oil a-board". Probably the fumes getting to me...affecting my humour ;)
Although the caption reads, "All Hands on Deck", it is actually just the builder and me who are on deck.
Speaking of "oil a-board", the cruise ships were docked at Ogden Point. On a recent day trip to Victoria, I was able to take photos of them at various times of the day and evening ~
I met my brother at the Oak Bay Marina and took the opportunity to take a few photos ~

Looking in the other direction, I caught a glimpse of Mount Baker in the distance, but I've had to 'doctorfy' this photo in order for it to appear somewhat visible. The white ship passing through the gap is a BC Ferry heading to the mainland.
Back at home, Bandido the raccoon seems to have been replaced by Deer Dora. Not sure if she followed me home from the golf course where I had lunch ~
She wasn't eating my apples, but a tub of pansies I had moved off the deck.
Well, that's the Deck, Dock, Doe of the blog ~ what's left is a family/friend reunion that I attended. This is my 14th year and each year I take a cake and other goodies ~ the best cake being a large motorcycle cake about 6 years ago. This year, two of the boys who I met as kindergartners have now completed Grade 12 and have graduated. Therefore, I thought it fitting to make a Grad cake.
That's how I've been spending the last little while, and I will be more than happy to have the new deck completed before I melt into a puddle :)
No picture of a puddle, sorry ~ we haven't had rain for ages!
Considering how hot it's been there you've been busier than I would have,
ReplyDeleteand I certainly don't envy you the job of oiling boards!
I really like the way you do 'picture postcards', and that cake sure looks delicious.
Stay cool, and I hope that you get some rain soon! Flighty xx
Hi Flighty ~ Luckily there are trees in the back, so they offered some shade. It wasn't the best conditions to work in, but the stuff was there and needed done. I have now finished with the floor boards. Next job will be the railings and spindles, but I'm going to wait until they're installed first. I'm giving myself a couple of days off! I wore a substantial mask to ward off the fumes, and when I took it off I looked a bit like Bandido ~ where the mask had made marks! The postcards are made using Photoshop Elements~ the software came with my scanner ~ kind of fun to play around with. Everyone seemed to enjoy the cake :) The weather has cooled down and there are a few clouds and a breeze, so much more what we are used to!