Here we are suffering through another heat wave of 30 C temperatures. Fortunately the next few days promise to be cooler. In the midst of all this, my back sundeck has been removed and a new one is in the process of being built. I had been replacing boards over the past few years, but it was in need of rebuilding according to those 'in the know'. My job is to oil the boards ~ which gives a whole new meaning to "oil a-board". Probably the fumes getting to me...affecting my humour ;)
Although the caption reads, "All Hands on Deck", it is actually just the builder and me who are on deck.
Speaking of "oil a-board", the cruise ships were docked at Ogden Point. On a recent day trip to Victoria, I was able to take photos of them at various times of the day and evening ~
I met my brother at the Oak Bay Marina and took the opportunity to take a few photos ~