Friday, January 9, 2015

In a fog...


  1. I learned the second poem when I was in grade school - it comes to mind every time I see fog. Love the photos.

    1. Thanks JoAnn ~ Yes, a popular poem, and not too long, so easier to remember than most! Glad you liked my little hummingbird in the fog...on a twig and clothesline.

  2. I find fog so depressing don't you. I suppose if I was a more positive person I would wax lyrically about it being mysterious and Carl Sandburg's poem sort of makes it all right but fog very often doesn't move on but hangs about like an unwanted guest who doesn't know when to leave.

    1. Hi Elaine ~ Yes, fog can get depressing if it hangs around too long. In the past I have ventured up to the top of a mountain just to see the blue...and also left town and travelled south until I find the sun. That's the only downside to living near the sea.... sea fog!! I'll take it over digging out from under the snow, however ;)

  3. It's rare to get even misty days here. I like the poems. Flighty xx

  4. Do you mean you don't get any fog? What about "A foggy day in London Town..."? Glad you liked the poems :)

  5. I loved the little hummer and the poem......I rather like fog, unless I find myself driving in it!xxx
