Here's the compilation followed by individual photos:
Back to school ~ Although many students walk, ride their bikes to school, or are 'chauffeured', there is a convoy of school buses that reach in and out of the rural areas. Here's one driving students home, passing by the beach en route.
What's in my bag? What isn't in my bag? ;) The most important thing about my everyday bag/purse is that it be practical and organized so I can find things. There are 3 zippered compartments. I spend a lot of time outdoors and like to have my hands free to take photos, therefore my bag has the option of being worn as a backpack.
Inside I have my cell phone, driving/sun glasses, ebook reader, wallet/purse, and a few odds and ends like Afterbite (in case of insect bites), small measuring tape, keys, comb, etc. Not too exciting, but it works for me :)
Relaxation:My first thought was the deck where I spent many relaxing afternoons reading.
However, on one of my relaxing walks, I saw a beautiful blue dragonfly seemingly sunbathing for a fairly lengthy time, so he was chosen for the spot!
Harvest: There is a plethora of squash and gourds displayed in the farmers' markets:
A pile of things: I could have taken all the things from my bag and piled them up...or used this one with the sun spilling through the trees on someone's workpile:
Instead, I chose this colourful squash pile:
Public telephone: These seem to be a dying breed since most people carry cell phones, however I did find one on a wall in the village:
Apples: I noticed these apples overhanging the trail in a Wildlife Conservation area quite close to the shore. Hopefully the wildlife will enjoy them :)
A road sign: This sign caught my attention and I don't even want to know what it means!

That's it for this month ~ Thanks to Kathy at Postcards from the P.P. for hosting this monthly challenge. click here to see other link-ups of September photos