July 1 was Canada Day but the weather here was rather dismal, which detracted me from doing too much of anything. However, yesterday was a different story. I have always enjoyed
epistolary novels and learned of a book that sounded rather intriguing ~
Ella Minnow Pea. Rather than request this book to be sent to my local library, I decided to drive to another branch to take it out. It was a lovely day for a drive. I also browsed some used book stores, stopped for an ice cream cone, and then headed to a beach that I had never been to before.
Here's where the stretching part comes in. I took 10 photos in a series and using Windows Live Photo Gallery made this panoramic view:
I then turned around 180 degrees and took another series which turned into this:
The windbreak built of driftwood stretched along the beach and offered some unusual photographic opportunities:
Today soon turned into a warm breezy one. The sundeck beckoned, so "Ella Minnow Pea" and I sat together on the lounge chair. This seemingly relaxing experience was interrupted intermittently by enthusiastic robins inundating me with 'cherry bombs'. The cherries, which are usually ripe enough to start picking by July 1 are not ready, although this fact has done nothing to discourage the robins.
The apple tree and surrounds were visited by the Flicker family:
As well as being bombed by robins, I was also concerned about Flicker activity above my head...bottoms up! Lovely plumage ;)
This Flicker was having a drink from the rain gutters so the splashing I felt was water dripping (I hope!)
Later on when I came inside, I noticed through the sliding glass door, a hummingbird having some refreshment from the feeder...which was needing to be refilled by the looks of things.