Where have I been? What have I been doing? Somebody better tell me because I have no idea. Just kidding. I've been otherwise occupied ...
Remember little Morris Mouse?
He's in the country, not the house.
But Doris, I'm afraid to say
became confused and lost her way.
I heard a snap and caught my breath
to see old Doris ... well you get the idea.
Each time I hear the toaster pop,
I jump and think it's Boris. Stop!
Enough, I say, of mice - no more.
I've boarded up the catflap door
and put a sonar sounding thing
in the garage, and strung a string
to trip them up ~ no that's not true,
I pulled your leg! What else is new...
My laptop hinges fell apart
which makes it difficult to start.
It used to sit upon my knee
but now it's propped so I can see ~
Another laptop's left, enroute,
and by December, I'll reboot.
Oh, yes...a project looming nigh
is in the bathroom. Ask me why!
I checked a corner, which seemed damp
and when I shone a beaming light
I realized I must replace
some aqua board, to fill a space.
And then I started on the floor
- off I went to the hardware store.
I bought some drywall, baseboard, too,
new flooring and a tub of glue.
And now I spend my nights in there
instead of in a comfy chair.
So that's the scoop of where I've been
and what I've done .... the mess I'm in ...
(Not really, it's just life ;))
Put on your overcoat, mitts and hat ~ Although the weather has become wet, wild and woolly, I spent an hour or two where the river meets the sea last weekend. Watch the eagle in the movies ~

There were also may seals bobbing up and down - especially 'down' when the camera came closer!
Hope to visit there again this weekend.
Sorry I haven't been commenting on blogs, but I've had quick visits and enjoy keeping up with all the interesting news and views. :)
Happy Thanksgiving Day to my friends across the border!