Many thanks
Flighty for another perfect heart award which I really love and enjoy sharing with all your blogging buddies :)
What's been happening since my last post! The weather has been absolutely gorgeous and no reason at all to stay inside if not necessary! Here's a few photos taken over the past while, followed by a poem of sorts which will explain another reason for my absence of late ;)
First some reflections ~

Look what I found in the rose garden today~ enough for a posy! A mixture of Elle, Folklore, Wenlock, and one small Iceberg hardly visible on the right.

Samples of easy pickin's ~ one apple, one pear, and one bunch of grapes!

and now for my weekend ~
First I'll set the scene:
Roll ~ Action:

Well things are back to normal
(or as normal as they get)
after fixing all the damage
once my purse got soaking wet.
Of course I knew much better
than to leave it on the sand.
I wear it is a backpack
or carried in my hand.
Well… on this lovely sunny day,
my son and I set out
to make a movie at the beach
and here’s what came about…
The sky was blue; the sea was too ~
The sand, a strip of gold
but as “the actor” played his part,
I felt a heavy load…
My backpack seemed to pull and tug,
this coupled with the heat…
My shoulders ached. I took it off
and placed it by my feet.
Now while the movie rolled along,
the tide began to shift,
and circled, sneaking up behind
to set my world adrift.
Too late we noticed no more sand
was stretched out in a strip!
Although I grabbed the handle quick,
my purse began to drip…
and drip and drip and drip and drip…
and still it dripped some more.
Arriving home I pushed “remote”
to open garage door…
But nothing happened. Nothing moved!
More problems were in store!
The silly thing was useless now,
not like it was before!
I squirted in some compressed air
to dry its inner guts…
Then up and down, and up and down ~
the door - completely nuts!
I came inside to dump my purse,
then let out one long moan.
I saw another victim there…
My soggy mobile phone!
My cheque book was a lovely sight.
‘lectronics were all faulty.
My keys were turning shades of rust.
My dollar bills were salty.
I can’t complain about it though,
because I chose to put
my backpack purse with all my stuff
upon a sandbar….BUT
A lesson learned, yet once again ~
So when your shoulder’s ache,
go put the backpack in the trunk
and give your head a shake!
The next day I was off to town
to get another phone…
and then of course the garage door’s
remote was all but blown.
A fellow brought a new one by
and charged a pretty penny.
I paid him with my salty bills
and now I don’t have any!
But, I do have these :)