Sunday, September 28, 2014

September Photo Scavenger Hunt

Good bye Summer; Hello Fall
If it wasn't for the photo hunt
I wouldn't blog at all...

At least that's the way it seems!

1.  S is for Special Snuggles and Swampy Sunbather

I've previously mentioned these two special pals that live in a nearby field.  They spend much time together, and recently I was fortunate enough to see them both snuggling together then having a little chat ~ just like friendly next door neigh-baa's do ;) 

and here's Swampy Sunbather ~

basking in a delightful pond, edged with bulrushes swarming with swift-darting dragonflies.

2. is 2 p.m.

"Does this ring a bell?" she chimed in.

3.  Car park

Here's an old caboose car parked in a shed at the McLean Mill (steam sawmill). 

 4.  Hat
 Introducing the Juan and only wiry Senor Siesta sporting a Sombrero ~

An artist, wearing a sunhat, surrounded by driftwood.  Wondering if she had brought her painting equipment with her via that little boat, I inquired.  "Oh no," says she, "I live in that cabin behind me."  Sweet!

and Hear Ye! Hear Ye!  The Town Crier in his Tricorn hat.  But what is he Hear Ye-ing about?
 Perhaps he's learning the words and actions to:  My hat, it has three corners ...

5.  In the mirror

Reflecting on this choice, during a recent trip to Victoria, I took a photo from a rooftop restaurant of this mirrored building.

6.  Garden

Across the road from the neigh-baa's is this colourful dahlia garden.

7.  Lock

A locked gate covers the doors to this campground convenience store, (a little incongruent with the word convenience).

8.  Nails

In a previous photo scavenger hunt, I posted a photo of a trestle, and on that trip I remembered seeing some large railroad stakes pounded into some fallen tree trunks.  Today, I returned to the location and nailed them down ~  Why are they there?  Don't know...I'm stumped ;)

9.  Lame lamp ~ I say this because this is a photo of one of the solar lamps on my sun deck.  It's not even lit!  Perhaps I'll be back later to update when it goes on :)

Update:  not perfectly lined up, but you get the idea

10.  Street sign

This cautionary sign was in a car park near a popular hiking area ~

If it isn't warnings about bears, it's warnings about cougars ~ People walking little dogs are especially cautioned when there are cougar sightings.

11.  Game

I returned to a location where I took a photo or a saltwater swimming pool in a previous photo hunt.  This time I am focussing on the large chess board ~

12.  Outside your window

Today while I was waiting for the 2 o'clock photo ~ I took a photo out of the car window ~ autumn splendour!

Once again, thanks to Greenthumb for hosting these monthly photo scavenger hunts!  Also many thanks to those who leave comments on my blog ~ even when I'm AWOL.